Sizzling romantic novels to read now

Love romance? Then you will love these romantic novels curated by the Readiva review team. Get ready for your heart to start racing with these books!

Primrose and the Dreadful Duke

Author: Emily Larkin

Primrose Garland is aghast when she meets Oliver Dasenby, but when he becomes a duke, Primrose is determined to help clear his name so people will no longer think he is a murderer.

His Lady’s Sapphire Surrender

Author: Penelope Redmont

Going from rags to riches, Minerva Chennelis has a husband that stays hidden most of the time, and she becomes attracted to Viscount Hart Cranmer, a feeling that’s mutual. But when her husband is suddenly killed, secrets come out that make her question everything, not to mention destroys everything that could possibly bring her happiness.

For more great romance reads, check out Readiva today.

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